Why Street Photography?

The act of observing is what has always drawn me to street photography. There’s just something so satisfying about noticing life in ways others don’t. Street photographers can be patient while agile; decisive and efficient. Some sit and wait for a pre-meditated composition. Some are fast and ruthless. But we all observe - and better yet, we’re all obsessed with freezing a moment. A moment contextualised, a moment that will never happen again. Never from that perspective. Never in that time. Never from the same lens. One moment seized and frozen. On an off chance, or a composed, calculated exposure - either way a decision was made to freeze that moment. 

My work shows how I see the world. I see people in spaces and I see light in places. I invite you to explore through my portfolio of images and I hope you can feel what I felt while taking these photographs. I will never not have a camera on me and I aim for that to be apparent here.

The Photographer

Hello my name is Ben Webster, I'm a street photographer based in London.

My style resembles reportage aesthetics following film-like tones and colour palettes. This is something that has been developed and improved upon over hundreds of thousands of images and years of experience.